God’s dream and my dream for his precious bride and our vision!

God lets the bride blossom and come to color, for His love brings color, and color creates the space to live for yourself and others. And colors bring us freedom in Christ Jesus!

My big dream, and of course the Father’s big dream, is a bride and a church that is one and becomes more and more one. That the bride, through a process of grace, really gets to know the loving Fatherheart. That the bride above all really loves God, herself (in a healthy way) and her neighbour. Yes even of her enemies.

That there is a visible and tangible manifestation of His omnipotence, glory, love and power. And that the gifts and ministries cultivate the fruits in our hearts and that they are safe. And that the gifts and ministries protect the heart and the fruits, so that we honor one another as Jesus honored us and may build one another up, seeing Him. We are all on our way. No one is more or less.

And that by love we may lay aside the old man and put on the new man. That we become solution-focused by Him and by the Tree of Life, so that the old tree disappears, which is stuck in religion and its own right, which revolves around itself. That we are liberated by His love. For he is the Redeemer.

That God heals our hearts through His great selfless love. For when we find God, many things change in our lives. But if God finds our heart, everything changes! There will be streams of life and freedom coming out of us.

If God heals our hearts through His love, we can handle more truth. And if walls fall away by relating to Jesus, false motives will fall away, blind spots will disappear, and we’ll live the way He wants us to. For His yoke is light and He is meek and humble of heart.

When the walls around our hearts fall away, we will see and hear as He is, and the beams will leave our spiritual eyes and ears. We will also see each other through His eyes of love. For due to pain we often cannot hear or see each other.

These things are my mission, to bring the Father’s heart into His churches so that we can understand each other. Life begins with understanding! And that the precious cross on which our Saviour and Redeemer hung and broke for us will be seen again in our churches. The blood that touched the earth came from His heart of love that was poured out on earth for us. This blood spoke louder than the blood of retribution. This blood was full of forgiving love, and can still be seen in His glorified resurrection body, the scars of his love!

It is 25 years ago that my sister received a prophecy from Kim Clement, that great men and women of God will rise from her. My sister also led me to Jesus and received from God in her heart that I would go all over the earth one day. The years passed and I had completely forgotten this word of God. Until I resigned my ministry three years ago. I had been talking about the Father’s Heart to children, teenagers, youth and adults for twelve years. With a theatrical message, with a lot of symbolism and some humour.  In these three years of rest, eight people came to me with a word from God: ‘You will go to many countries to preach and prophesy!

God gave sign upon sign, also for the Philippines. I’ve wanted to go there for a long time. I sang in tongues, in David’s Tent (an adoration service in England), and there was a missionary sitting next to me who had just returned from 6 months of missionary travel in the Philippines. A young guy who is studying theology in England at one of the major universities, and he asked me, “How did you learn to speak Filipino? To which I replied, ‘I cannot speak Filipino, I speak in tongues.’ And he wrote down exactly what I said in Filipino. The next evening, the worship leader spoke the same words that I spoke through the Precious Spirit. All glory to Jesus and the Father!

Many miracles have happened. It’s getting more and more beautiful. It’s often impossible to describe, things you can’t think of. I now have divine connections in England, Wales and the Philippines. There is also a precious friend, a preacher, who already lives with his wife in the Philippines. And he has invited me to come and speak there.